family time



“My parents taught me never to judge others based on whom they love, what color their skin is, or their religion.”

~Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift's dad and mom, or Scott and Andrea Swift, had Taylor and Austin Swift(Taylor's brother) "My mom and I have always been really close. She's always been the friend that was always there. There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn't have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always." Quote from Taylor Swift. Scott Swift is 71 years old. Andrea Swift is 66 years old. They live in a house in the Nashville area. They have attend many of Taylor Swift's concerts and award ceremony and have supported Taylor through out her music career.


Taylor Swift has a brother named Austin Swift. Currently Austin Swift is 32 years old. Taylor Swift is 3 years older than Austin Swift. Austin Swift lives in Nashville, Tennessee and is dating Sydney Ness. Austin Swift's birthday is March 11, 1992. In 2015, he graduated from the University of Notre Dame. He has 3 main careers, acting, a singer\songwriter (Just like his sister,) and a photographer.


In 2024, Taylor Swift has 3 cats. She named her cats after some characters from her favorite TV shows. Their names are Meredith Grey, Olivia Benson, and Benjamin Button. As in, Olivia Benson from Law & Order: SVU, Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy, and Benjamin Button from, um, Benjamin Button. These 3 furry cats get the luxury and the fame from Taylor.


"And for me, I guess the person who I tell everything that I'm going through is you. The fans."

Taylor Swift loves her Swifties and enjoys meeting them when she is out. They are her purpose and part of who she is.

"Fans are my favorite thing in the world. I've never been the type of artist who has that line drawn between their friends and their fans. The line's always been really blurred for me. I'll hang out with them after the show."